Monday, August 27, 2007

Scrimmage at Chichester on August 25, 2007

The 80lb JV Termites had two scrimmages this week. The first game was Thursday night in Springfield and was unofficially labeled “Bug-Fest 2007.” Some valet parking attendants would’ve been nice, but our boys performed really well. The second scrimmage was on Saturday morning against Chichester. The Termites rolled onto the Crusader’s field and abused them on both sides of the ball. Michael Clark, Nicholas Carmona, Michael Ventura, Noah States, Billy Betson, Michael Porreca, Toby Gavin, Brandon Anderson, and Jim Moorhead all got into the backfield to record tackles for losses and Andrew Ketler was all but unstoppable off the defensive line. Late in the second quarter, the Chi QB took the snap, pivoted for the handoff, and ran right into Brody Butler, Michael Davidson, and Jeffrey Dalessio who beat Chi’s running back there to record the sack. Additionally, Bobby Bell, David Bodkin, and Brett McLaughlin all made stellar open-field tackles. On the offensive side, Nick Keltner, Colin Conmy, and Brendan Walker all shined on the offensive line as they opened the holes for Shane Dougherty, Jared Babe, Jeffery Dalessio, and Paul Monro to all score touchdowns. On a QB keeper, Michael Davidson showed what not giving up was all about as he broke free from a gang tackle to run for a touchdown. Overall it was a fantastic scrimmage and the Termites impressed everyone with how well they’ve gelled as a team in the pre-season. Can’t wait for this weekend and the start of the regular season!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pre-Season Practice

August brings the start of another year of Prospect Park Termites Football. Here are your 2007 80lb Junior Varsity Termites!