Monday, October 8, 2007

Game 6 - Norchester Red Knights

This Saturday, the Termites braved an hour-long drive, early morning fog, and mosquitoes the size of dump trucks to play the first game of the day at Norchester. For all our good efforts, we ended up with a 18-7 loss at the hands of the Red Knights. Jim Moorhead not only broke off one of the Termites longest runs of the season, but three plays later, fought his way in for the Termites only touchdown of the day. Iron man Paul Munro played both sides of the ball as quarterback and safety. He completed three passes, made several tackles in all parts of the field, and, in an outstanding effort, scrambled out of the backfield for the extra point after a broken pass play. On defense, Michael Gallager, Shane Dougherty, Nick Carmona, Colin Conmy, Brody Butler, Michael Porreca, and Brendan Walker all got in on several tackles each. Brandon Anderson caused a Norchester fumble, which unfortunately the offense was able to recover. Gaige Lennon, Noah States, and Toby Gavin were three madmen, making solo tackles all over the field while Andrew Ketler laid some huge hits on Red Nights running backs. On the offensive side, Michael Ventura, Bobby Bell, Jr., and Billy Betson all fought hard on the O-Line as Brett McLaughlin snagged two of Munro’s passes and Michael Davidson grabbed the third all for nice yardage. Our Termites are working hard and improving every week. Thanks to the coaches, parents, and team moms for making the trip a good one!

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