Monday, October 29, 2007

Game 9 - Greater 69th Street Wildcats

Our Termites lost a tough game 31-0 to the Greater 69th Street Wildcats on Sunday afternoon. We were effectively moving the ball most of the game, but the calls and luck just didn’t fall our way. Michael Porreca showed much heart on our first defensive series. He single-handedly brought down a larger Wildcats running back, by making a nice hit, not letting go, and spinning him to the ground. As usual, Andrew Ketler was causing fumbles and making good hits on defense. Even though we gave up five touchdowns, we only allowed one extra point all day. Brody Butler, Michael Clark, Brandon Anderson, and Nick Carmona were instrumental in making the stops. The offensive line performed really well during the game. Bobby Bell, Jr., Brett McLaughlin, Shane Dougherty, Jared Babe, Toby Gavin, Michael Davidson, and Michael Ventura fought hard all day opening holes for our backs to run through and gain yardage up the middle. Gaige Lennon took a few handoffs, broke several tackles and gained some good yardage on the day. During the last series of the game, our offense was putting together a really nice drive, but simply ran out of time. We gained two first downs, completed a pass, cause the defense to jump off sides, and a nice reverse from Paul Munro to Jimmy Moorhead to Jeff Dalessio. As parents and more importantly as fans of the game, we are so proud to see the effort put forth by our kids all year long. They are winners not because of the scores of the games, but because they battled hardships and made a conscious choice not to surrender. That is what winning is all about. Thanks to the coaches: Paul, Dan, Matt, Bob, Bill, and Jim, to the cheerleaders, to the team moms, Marci and Dawn, to the parents and to the players for a great year of Termites football!!

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